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Academic Representatives, Librarians, and Collection Policies

Information regarding collection development at the University Library. This includes information about subject librarians, department contacts and our policy on each subject we collect.

Collections Introduction

The Iowa State University Library exists to support Iowa State University's mission to "create, share, and apply knowledge to make Iowa and the world a better place." As both a research university and land-grant institution, ISU holds a unique role in the state. The Library provides a wide range of information resources that support the teaching, learning, and research taking place at the university while also addressing the general information needs of Iowa residents and the public at large. This guide outlines the values and strategies that influence the Library as we build an open and relevant information ecosystem that shares our values and provides our communities with the information and services they need. We apply these values and strategies to create our General Collections found online and physically located in Parks Library, the Veterinary Medicine Library, and the Library Storage Building.

Academic Dept Representatives

Faculty liaisons are appointed by the chairs of their respective academic departments or programs to serve as the primary representatives between the Library and departments or programs. Their responsibilities include keeping their subject librarians informed about curricular changes and focuses that affect the Library's collection building priorities and to coordinate the book and serials purchase recommendations from members of their departments. The subject librarians in turn provide library updates to the colleges through the faculty liaisons. The work of the Faculty liaisons is vital to the success of the University Library in supporting Iowa State University's goals.