Is an ideal that can be summarized as:
"All people have a right to a clean environment, and all people have a right to accessible natural resources."
— McIntosh and Pontius, 2017
This right is grounded in the fact that while environmental hardships effect everyone, vulnerable and poor populations often suffer a larger and unequal share of those burdens.
Dr. Robert Bullard defines environmental racism as:
"... any policy, practice, or directive, that differently affects or disadvantages (whether intended or unintended) individuals, groups, or communities based on race or color."
— Dumping in Dixie, 1990
The NIMBY - "Not In My BackYard" - phenomenon (Wikipedia) is one of the most common ways that environmental racism and injustice is perpetrated and sustained.
A wide variety of topics can be examined as issues of environmental justice and/or environmental racism. In general, for a topic to be considered an environmental justice topic it must:
For a topic to be considered environmental racism the race or ethnicity of those involved must also be a factor.
McIntosh, A. and J. Pontius. 2017. "Air Quality and Atmospheric Science" in Science and the Global Environment.