ISU Library's Copyright Notice:
You'll see this notice on many of our documents!
"The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Iowa State University adheres to this statute by relying on the fair use provisions of this law, and by obtaining the permission of copyright holders when required.
As a reader of these documents, you must also observe the provisions of fair use, which allow you to make one copy (e.g., downloaded or print) of any document for your personal use in education or research. Any other use without the express permission of the copyright holder is illegal." Some of the links included are to sites not maintained by the ISU Library. Copyright compliance for material on these sites is the responsibility of the individual web site owner."
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Understanding copyright issues is not always easy. The links below address some of the most commonly asked questions.
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries
A 29-page guide for understanding copyright and fair use, with strong focus on digital collections, technologies, materials in institutional repositories, reproductions for people with disabilities, and other 21st century classroom needs. From the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Media and Social Impact, and the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, 2012.
Know Your Copy Rights: What You Can Do (pdf)
This handy chart covers different types of works and proposed uses in classroom settings. From the Association of Research Libraries (ARL).
Know Your Copy Rights (pdf)
This fuller brochure from ARL provides helpful information including the four factors you can use to determine if a proposed use is "fair use."
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video
Code of best practices compiled by the Center for Media & Social Impact. Part of a larger informative blog that also addresses remixing and other issues.
Codes of Best Practices
A very useful collection of fair use best practices for various types of material, including Sound Recordings; Journalism; Media Studies Publishing; Teaching for Film & Media Educators; Online Video (see previous link); Images and Visual Resources; Scholarly Research in Communication; "Orphan Works" for Libraries, Archives, and Other Memory Institutions; and Poetry. From the Center for Media & Social Impact.
Copyright and Fair Use, Stanford University Libraries
A very full and authoritative guide on copyright and fair use issues.
Fair Use Checklist
Information about determining fair use, from the Copyright Advisory Office of Columbia University Libraries. By noted copyright experts Kenneth D. Crews and Dwayne K. Butler. Their Fair Use Checklist pdf is linked at the bottom of the web page for your use.
Fair Use Fundamentals: ARL Infographic
An affirmative infographic that highlights the four fair use factors and emphasizes good examples of fair use.
Teaching Copyright, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Strong focus on encouraging innovation, remix culture, and understanding one's rights. Includes curricular content for students and teachers.
Copyright and My Work (relevant to graduate student theses and dissertations, from Authors' Rights and Responsibilities Guide)
Copyright for Research and Teaching
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