Bibliography Management software organizes the citations that you collect while you are doing literature searches. Many have cloud-based storage and offer capabilities for reformatting your citations into the style of your choice. Some can connect to your stored citations while you are actually writing your paper, allowing you to pull citations into your paper as needed, and automatically reformat them to the citation style you need.
There is no single bibliography management software that is objectively "better" than another. You will need to choose what makes sense for you. If you are collaborating with others, it will be good to use the same system.
The Library supports EndNote Basic (formerly EndNote Web), Mendeley, and Zotero. We teach workshops on these tools during Fall and Spring semesters.
Regardless of what you choose, don't expect the software to be perfect. You will almost certainly need to clean up some citations or do tweaking at some point. To get training on any of these tools, check whether we are offering workshops on them this semester, or contact the librarian listed on each tool's Library Guide below.
EndNote and EndNote Web are two different products produced by the same company.