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Iowa Crop Variety Test Publications Guide

This guide provides direct links and pointers for locating variety trials (or performance tests) for specific field crops in Iowa, both past and present. It also provides locations and call numbers for the ISU Library.

Published reports of oat variety tests from the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station are available for 1889-present with some gaps and overlap:


Series & Number

Call number & Location

1889, 1891, 1898-1934

Bulletin (Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station), no. 6, 15, 96, 128, 175, 227, 344. 

S542 Io9b – Archives, Library Storage Building, and Media Center (on microfilm)


see also USDA Department Bulletin, no. 99

S21 Un31s - Library Storage Building


see also USDA Department Bulletin, no. 1343

S21 Un31s - Library Storage Building


Thurman, Floyd. Field Crop Tests on Iowa Farms. M.S. thesis, Iowa State College, 1940.

SB186 T425f - Storage Building and

C O 1940 Thurman - Archives


Farm Science Reporter, v.4, no. 1, January 1943, pp. 6-7. 

S1 F21 - Archives, Library Storage Building and Media Center (on microfilm) all have copies


see also the “Standard Community Grain Trials,” Leaflet FC, no.11, 13, 15-16. 

RS 9/9/3, Box 20 - Archives


Annual Report of Cereal Breeding Projects.  Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Research Project Records.

RS 9/2/4, Boxes 4-6 - Archives


Agron. series no. 204, 225, 251, 284, 319, 385, 413, 449, 478, 507, 647.

S451 I8 A4x - Archives


AG series as AG-10-*

S451 I8 A4x - Archives


Pamphlet or Pm series as Pm-1645

S544.3 I8 P35x - Archives


see also Annual Progress Report for Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm

S61 N6511 - Archives


2010-present, “Oat Variety Trials” in Iowa State Research Farm Progress Reports - online at: (use search box on left to narrow results to Oat Variety Trials).

Your Librarian

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Lorrie Pellack
Head, Research & Instruction Services Dept.
150c Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
Phone: 515-294-5569