You can save time by preparing your files for sharing before they are reviewed.
All data sets require documentation explaining what the data is, where it came from, and how to use it. This information helps other people use and understand your data.
Templates and examples are available on the data documentation page and with the data sets published on DataShare.
Whenever possible you should share data in formats that do not require special software. A list of recommended formats is available for common file types. Do not worry if your file type is not on the list, or if you want to keep the original format, we will review options with you during the curation review.
The files in your shared data set need to be clearly labeled and organized. For examples and tips on how to format file names see the file name recommendations page.
As folders cannot be uploaded to DataShare we recommend using well-structured file names to sort and organize data sets with 10 or fewer files. Data sets that require folders will be converted into archive files (.zip or .tar) so they can be uploaded to DataShare.
We're here to help!
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For more help visit the Library's
Data Management Plan Guide