Researchers are welcome to come into the library and use ANY of our journal article databases free on-site. Remote access is, unfortunately, limited to free databases unless the researcher is a current ISU faculty, staff, or student. Keep in mind that these indexes usually provide information about articles that have been published, but not all articles have full-text available online.
Google Scholar indexes articles from a number of types of magazines and journals. Some include links to full-text articles; some do not. Google Scholar is, though, the closest thing to a general database for searching for articles that is available free on the Internet.
To export results, use Scholar Preferences to export 1 record at a time.
To export multiple records mark the ones you like. (Note that you will need to sign in using a gmail account to save items to My Library.) When you are ready to export, click on My Library, check the box(es) to indicate which one(s) you want to export then click on the Export icon above the list of references.