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Visitors Guide to Research Resources

This guide is intended to alert campus visitors to research resources that are available to them from the ISU Libraries - both remotely and on-campus.

What and where is the Library Storage Building?

The Library Storage Building (LSB) contains books and journals that have not been checked out very often.The LSB is not staffed so you cannot walk-in and use materials there.

If you find something in Quick Search that says it is located in the Library Storage Building,you need to place a request to have the materials delivered to one of the other ISU Libraries for your use. We strongly recommend you search for materials (using Quick Search) prior to any campus visit to ensure you have time to request materials be sent over from Storage if you need them.

Visiting researchers can place a request for storage items by contacting and letting them know when you plan to be on campus and which materials you would like pulled from storage for your use - - preferably including which journal volumes and call number.

Library Quick Search

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Lorrie Pellack
Head, Research & Instruction Services Dept.
150c Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
Phone: 515-294-5569