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Shameless Self-Promotion Workshop Guide

This guide accompanies the workshop, "Shameless Self-Promotion." The workshop (and this guide!) provide information about how you can maximize your online presence to boost your academic portfolio and network with peers to advance your career.

ORCiD:Distinguish Yourself

The name game

Your name usually isn't only your name, it's probably shared by other people with the same, or a very similar name. Or maybe it's hard to spell, or to type, or has special characters, or is too long for most forms. Whatever the reason, relying on a name to find your 'stuff' can be problematic. Luckily there's a solution: ORCID iDs.

ORCID in brief

ORCID is an open directory where authors can link their work to a persistent personal ID number. This helps journals, databases, individuals, and tools verify that you are you and that your work is yours. Using your ORCID iD is more accurate and secure than a name as each ORCID iD is unique. An ORCID iD provides an easy way to distinguish yourself from other people with similar names guaranteeing that you will get credit for your work.

View an ORCID profile

checkmarkRegister for an ORCID iD (it's free)​

Your ORCID Profile

The more information you make public, the better your ORCID iD will work.

Must Haves

  • Name and "Also Known As" name(s) if applicable.
  • Education: list the school where you obtained your highest degree or are currently enrolled.
  • Employment: if applicable, list your current or last place of employment. 
  • Works: if you've published, or publicly shared a research output list it here!


  • Websites: including your Twitter account if you use it professionally.
  • Biography:  A short biography will help users verify that they have found the right person

Connect other identifiers

Unlike other closed systems and/or for-profit researcher profiles, ORCID works well with a variety of other systems (and a growing number!). Connect your ORCID iD with

  • ResearcherID
  • Scopus Author Identifier
  • Other systems can speak with ORCID. These include: MyNCBI, Faculty of 1000, Elsevier publishing, Taylor & Francis, Figshare, Impactstory, and more. 
Profile Photo
Abbey Elder