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GLOBE 4950: Global Resource Systems Study Abroad Course Preparation

This guide is for students that are part of the Dean's Global Agriculture & Food Leadership course.

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Course Description:

Global resource systems topics will include the agricultural industries, climate, crops, culture, economics, food, geography, government, history, livestock, marketing, natural resources, public policies, soils, and preparation for summer projects in Rome.

Citation Management Tools

As you find materials for your projects, use one of these citation management tools to create a comprehensive library on your topic. Citation management tools allow you to add resources to your library directly from your browser, add annotations, organize, share, and easily integrate citations into your Microsoft Word documents. Numerous citation management tools are at your disposal, and the ISU Library offers support for the following tools:

  • Zotero is a free open-source citation management tool. Visit the Zotero guide to learn about the tool, or check out the documentation developed by Zotero if you need to use more advanced features.
  • EndNote is available to the ISU Community at no cost, courtesy of the ISU Library's subscriptions to Web of Science. To use the tool, log in with your ISU NetID and set your password. Visit the EndNote guide to learn about how to use the tool. 
  • Mendeley is another free citation management tool that you can get support at the ISU Library. Visit the Mendeley guide to learn about how to use the tool.

Your Librarian

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Rano Marupova
150 Parks Library
(515) 294-7129