Students, are the definition of “world changers”!
“World changers are people that make life better for others. They don’t have to be people with big ideas or crusades led by celebrities. In many cases, a world changer is just the opposite. World changers see a need and decide to do something about it. They are people who make a difference for one person, even if just for one moment” One Mission (2015) "What Makes a World Changer." blogpost
Throughout history it can be seen that students are the driving force behind many ground breaking systemic movements. From the Civil Rights Movements sit ins to the resistance movements against the Vietnam War to currently the Black Lives Matter Movement. Without students there would be no differences between the present and the past.
Understanding and valuing the present times will heavily influence the future and will inform how people reflect on the past. Valuing history allows for a reflection of progress and to hold high regard for significant historical moments. For students, it is imperative to note that their university experience informs the experiences of future generations of students. Students must know their place in the University. They must know that their place/experience is noteworthy and holds significant weight to change policies and holds administration accountable.