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White Fragility: Book Discussion Series

Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility - Spring 2019 Library Book Discussion, sponsored by ISU Library



Library Book Discussion Series, FY19

NOTE: This content was taken offline in May 2023 and is no longer being updated.

The series discussion questions have been permanently removed from this guide.

The series guide is being kept here privately for archival purposes. --Susan Vega García

Welcome! This Guide was first developed as part of the multiple Fall, Spring and Summer 2018-19 Library discussion series on the book White Fragility, sponsored by the ISU Library's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Two library staff groups completed the discussion series in Fall 2018, which involved the library's management team and librarians of color at ISU Library. The library's DEI Committee sponsored a third session in Spring 2019, and the AD for Inclusion & Equity sponsored a fourth session for additional library staff in June 2019. Through this series, about 54 library staff members participated, which is roughly half of all library staff.

This Guide is a work in progress!   Although our multiple discussion series on this book have concluded, the Guide should be useful to others for its content, structure, and syllabus of additional relevant readings. We may add materials to the Guide as well.

For questions or comments on this Guide, please contact Susan Vega García.