The communications team supports library staff's event ideas. We want to promote your expertise and to help you meet your goals.
In this case, EVENTS are programs (not workshops or classes) geared for an audience beyond library staff. Extrenal events can be in-person, virtual or hybrid. Use this event process for library-initiated, public-facing events so that the communications team can help you promote your event as fully as possible. (If you aren't sure if your idea fits this process, see OUTSIDE EVENTS at Parks Library, below.)
A few examples of EVENTs
A SCUA exhibition opening reception in the Rotunda or on the 4th floor
A movie or panel discussion in room 198
A presentation at the Memorial Union
A lecture at the Ames Public Library
A pizza party in The Nest
External Event Process
Email Susan Gent to review these steps and timelines, discuss opportunities and to maximize your event process.
There are a range of publicity options available for events. The more complex the event, the more lead time is needed for everyone involved - from you as the planner, and the communications team. Ideally, 2-3 month advance notice allows our team to best help you market and execute your event.
New partnerships, off-site, first time or complex events may require even time to coordinate and publicize.
Once you have your supervisor's approval to proceed, and you've narrowed down some of your ideas, fill out and submit the Event Idea word doc. We can talk about possible locations, partnerships, and lots of details once you
Please use one submission for recurring monthly events each semester (i.e. Fall 2023 International Nest Night) or a week’s worth of events around a single theme (i.e. Open Access Week). [Then there we only have one planning document and the graphics, publicity and calendar are prepped for the semester at the same time!]
After you submit your idea, Susan will schedule a time to discuss details.
Planning event details: we'll review the who, what, where, when and why of your project. Susan will guide you through the steps to finalize your event including room reservations, equipment rentals and catering concerns.
This word document lists answers and links to common event questions that you might need to employ for your event.
Communications support might include
The final communications plan will summarize graphics deliverables, publication dates and deatlines. Check out this word document that lists marketing support options and this excel spreadsheet full of graphics and social media details.
The comm team recommends submitting a Your Library (YL) article for events whenever possible.
Your Library submissions are due by 5pm on the first of the month
It publishes the 2nd Wednesday of the same month.
Since the YL publication date changes from month to month, check the calendar and submit a month early when necessary. (i.e. If event is April 12 and YL publishes on April 13, then March is the month to submit.)
New to Your Library? View this folder with Your Library submission information. Check out a sample Your Library edition at this link.
With departmental colleagues, university partners and community supporters hold, host or lead your event, utilizing the best practices in this document.
Filling in a word document to evaluate your event soon after it occurs, helps you plan for future events, colleagues replicate event details, and everyone fine tune new or innovative event details.
Explore this word document for more event planning information and resources.
Community Engagement Specialist
Susan consults with staff and faculty when planning events geared for external audiences with a goal of highlighting our library experts and deepening campus relationships. Susan serves as liaison with Ames Public Library.
M. Monica Gillen
Communications Specialist
Haylee Green
Graphic Designer
Susan Gent
Community Engagement Specialist