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FS HN 5540/5550/5560: Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Guide with links to resources for those participating in the ISU Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Library Quick Links


This guide was designed to assist Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics students with locating research materials for class assignments and providing help with connecting to full-text from off-campus. Lorrie Pellack is the ISU Librarian for the Food Science and Human Nutrition department. She is available for consultation (via e-mail, Zoom, or phone) with students in this class. Feel free to contact her, using the information on the right side of the screen, if you have any questions/problems accessing library resources or need help locating resources on your topic.

Tutorials and Research Tips

Click on the tabs above to switch between Getting Started and ProTips sections.

Friendly URL

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Lorrie Pellack
Head, Research & Instruction Services Dept.
150c Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
Phone: 515-294-5569