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FS HN 5540/5550/5560: Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Guide with links to resources for those participating in the ISU Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Using a DOI

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier or handle used to uniquely identify various digital publications. Citations frequently offer a DOI at the very end of the citation. For example:

Chiang, Chia-Ling et al. Aberrant Femoral Torsion Presenting with Frog-leg Squatting Mimicking Gluteal Muscle Contracture. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 470(4):p 1165-1170, April 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s11999-011-2084-7

Copy/paste any DOI into your Internet browser and it will take you directly to the article record. For example, try pasting the above DOI into your Internet browser web address box as: 10.1007/s11999-011-2084-7

If your browser cannot find it, add "" to the front of the DOI like this: and try again.

DOI's were first introduced in 2000, so older publications may not have one. Also, DOIs are not free. There is a cost to register and use a DOI - - so some publishers do not provide them.

Citation Linker

Looking for a specific book or article based on a citation or even just a title and author? See if the library has it with our Citation Linker also known as Fetch Item! For best results, include a title, ISSN, ISBN, DOI or PMID.