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FS HN 5540/5550/5560: Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

Guide with links to resources for those participating in the ISU Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics

If you find a journal article or book that is not available through the ISU Library, you can request it!

Digital items and scans are generally delivered within 24 hours.

Physical items are generally delivered within 3 to 10 business days. Delivery times vary based on the nature and availability of the item.

This same process works if you need a book chapter copied and sent to you or a physical book from our collections.


NOTE: If you need to request a physical book, the library will pay for shipping in some cases but it depends on where you live. ISU students living in the continental U.S., Hawaii, and Alaska will receive pre-paid FedEx shipping to and from the library. ISU students living in Canada and Mexico can receive international shipping via DHL, but will need to return at their own expense. All other international students should contact the ILL office at to request more information.

Your Librarian

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Lorrie Pellack
Head, Research & Instruction Services Dept.
150c Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
Phone: 515-294-5569