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Black History Month 2020

DEI Committee companion guide for Black History Month 2020 book exhibit


This Guide will help you with research in African and African American Studies! The Guide identifies some of the major research tools for finding articles, plus research materials, resources, and information in libraries and on the web that are relevant to African & African American Studies.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance using any of the tools listed here or help finding the information you need!

Susan Vega García
Associate Professor & Librarian
Subject areas: Ethnic Studies & Diversity; 
​  Women's & Gender Studies

Finding Articles

There are two essential databases that focus on African & African American Studies articles, journals, and resources. Both are excellent tools to help guide your research and information needs! Both contain unique materials. Depending on your topic, you may want (need!) to search them both.

Many other databases will certainly include additional relevant content connected with that database's particular subject. For example, Education databases will certainly be good choices for searching for articles specific to Black issues related to education. You can find all our subject databases listed on our A-Z Databases page. 

TIP: To search for journal articles, for simple searches choose the Journals button above BSC's search box and enter your search terms. Done!

Image of Black Studies Center - Search Bar and menu

TIP: For more control over your searches in Black Studies Center, choose the Search Scholarly Journals button just below the search box.

This route takes you directly to the database's Advanced search that gives you the capability to add date ranges, search within specific journals or fields, choose specific subjects, and more.

Image of Black Studies Center - Search Scholarly Journals button

Tip: The Black Studies Center database contains many unique materials that are *not* linked up with Quick Search! This is why it's important to search BSC itself to be sure you're searching and finding the most comprehensive and focused collection of African & African American articles and its other unique materials!

See also:

Hidden Treasures!

The contents of the Black Studies Center are SO vast that some materials are hidden away! Besides the Black Literature Index content (mentioned in the "FINDING ARTICLES: SEE ALSO" section on this page), these include:

  • Black Abolitionist Papers - a collection of primary source material on this topic
  • Reference - an eclectic collection of over 400 "reference" items that includes many selected dissertations, a few reference single-volume works (handbooks, encyclopedias, etc.), the Black Studies Center's own Timeline, even non-reference but groundbreaking books such as Feminist Theory from Margin to Center, by bell hooks.

To specifically search these materials, choose the All content types tab above the BSC search box, then choose Primary Source Collections or Reference. Have fun exploring! 

Image of Black Studies Center - Highlighting All Content types button plus several filters