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Hospitality Management & Event Management Research Guide

This is a general subject guide for the Event Management & Hospitality Management programs

Cited Reference Searching

One way for finding additional relevant material is by looking at the references (or footnotes) found in journal articles, books, websites, etc. Use this "How-To-Guide" to sharpen your skills in this vital strategy.

Using Alert Services

You all have unique research foci drawing you into specific paths of inquiry. One helpful technique for detecting when new scholarship on a specific topic has been published is by setting alerts. This comprehensive Alert Services guide will walk you through the how-to process of setting such alerts.

To Broaden Your Search, Try Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Article Indexes & Databases

LibKey Nomad

To simplify your access to ISU Library's subscription resources, you may want to consider downloading the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Learn more about LibKey Nomad.

Business Cases | Case Studies

Finding Newspapers and Other News Content