We've all heard of "impact factor" but may not know exactly what it means or how it's calculated. JCR has other metrics as well. Links below lead to actual definitions for some of JCR's metrics!
You can always Google a journal and find helpful information such as journal scope, topics of interest, frequency of publication, advice to authors, and so on. Some publishers may have guides to steer you to appropriate journals - that they happen to publish.
Beyond these variables, this page of our Guide gives you some sources for finding objective information on whether a journal is actually a good fit for you.
Publication Tip: Scholars and researchers use discipline-focused scholarly indexes to provide access to articles published in thousands of journals. Consider which indexes cover your journal. Are they well-known indexes in your subject area? As an author, you'll want your published article to be accessible to others doing research in your area, and indexed in the tools that experts in your subject area are likely to use!