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HSPM 3830, HSPM 3830L & HSPM 3850

Spring 2025

Course Information

HSPM 3830 (Wine & Spirits): Introduction to history and methods of production for a variety of wines and spirits. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis; product knowledge; service techniques; sales; and alcohol service related to the hospitality industry.

HSPM 3830L (Wine, Spirits & Mixology): The application of the management principles and procedures related to the sale and service of alcohol, specialty beverages, and cocktails served in the beverage and hospitality industry. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis of products commonly served in the beverage industry.

HSPM 3850 (Beer & Brewed Beverages): Introduction to history and methods of production for a variety of beer, cider, mead, sake and other brewed alcoholic beverages. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis; product knowledge; and service techniques related to the beverage and hospitality management.

Instructor: Prof. Stewart Burger
Phone: 515-294-0361

Library Workshops - Spring 2025

See The Library Events Calendar For a More Up-To-Date List.

January 29: Wed, 12:00pm -1:00pm Introduction to Citation Management Tools (Online)
January 30: Thu, 3:40pm-4:55pm Market Research 101 (In Person)
February 6: Thu, 3:00pm-4:30pm Grad Students: Everything You Need to Know About The Library But Were Afraid to Ask (In Person)
February 7: Fri, 2:30pm-4:00pm Grad Students: Everything You Need to Know About The Library But Were Afraid to Ask (In Person)
February 12: Wed, 11:00am-11:50am Data Viz 101: Effective Design (In Person)
February 13: Thu, 11:00am-12:15pm Data Viz Glow Up: Pick a Chart Type (In Person)
*February 14: Fri, 1:00pm-2:00pm Love Data Week Celebration (In Person - Not a Workshop)
February 18: Tue, 1:00pm-2:30pm Making LaTex PDFs Accessible in Adobe Acrobat PC Pro (In Person)
February 18: Tue, 2:10pm-3:25pm Introduction to ArcGIS StoryMaps (in Person)
February 19: Wed, 1:00pm-3:00pm Unix Command Line Fundamentals (In Person)
February 24: Mon, 1:00pm-5:00pm Part 1 of 2: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing With CUDA C/C++ (In Person)
February 25: Tue, 2:10pm-3:25pm Starting a Digital Humanities Project (In Person)
February 26: Wed, 1:30pm-3:00pm Git Basics For Absolute Beginners (in Person)
February 27: Thu, 12:00pm-1:30pm Unpacking (Cy)Box For Better File Management (Online)
March 3: Mon, 1:00pm-5:00pm Part 2 of 2: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing With CUDA C/C++ (In Person)
March 4: Tue, 2:10pm-3:25pm Teaching With Twine (In Person)
March 5: Wed, 1:30pm-3:00pm Unix and Git Basics Follow up (In Person)
March 13: Thu, 2:10pm-3:25pm Getting Started With LaTex and Overleaf (In Person)
March 27: Thu, 11:00am-11:50am Introduction to DataShare and the ISU Digital Repository (Online)
April 7: Mon, 1:00pm-5:00pm Part 1 of 2: Generative AI With Diffusion Models (In Person)
April 14: Mon, 1:00pm-5:00pm Part 1 of 2: Generative AI With Diffusion Models (In Person)


Profile Photo
Charles Yier
150 Parks Library
Iowa State University