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Economics Research Methods

EndNote and End Note Web Guide

Endnote Web is bibliographic management software designed to help you manage and use bibliographic citations. It is a free web-based version of EndNote that comes as part of the Thompson ISI Web of Knowledge database subscription.

Iowa State University Library also supports the EndNote software application (desk top version) but users need to purchase and install the software themselves. The software is available from the University Bookstore at a discounted rate for faculty and students.

EndNote Web Support

EndNote Support

1. Create your Account

EndNote Web: Creating your free account is the obvious first step. Visit the EndNote Web website and sign up!

Remember, EndNote Web is provided to the ISU Community free of charge due to the ISU Library's subscriptions to Web of Science.To be recognized as an eligible user, please do the following:

1. Login- Set up your account on campus and use your ISU email (as your login) to be recognized as an authorized member of the ISU community.

2. Password- must be 8 or more characters and must contain at least 1 number (0-9), at least 1 alpha character (case sensitive), AND at least 1 symbol (such as: ! @ # $ %).

3. Tip: If you plan to attend an EndNote Web workshop, be sure to set up your account in advance of the session. You'll need to wait for email confirmation of your login and password information. Be sure also to remember your account login information / bring it with you to your workshop session.

2. Install MS Word Plug-in

EndNote and EndNote Web have been designed to work well with MS Word, making your writing and citing easier. If you want to be able to pull your EndNote or EndNote Web citations from into a paper you're writing in Word, you need to configure the two programs to allow them to work together smoothly. Here's how:

EndNote Web:

Login to your EndNote Basic account and click on the Options tab.
Under Download Installers / Cite While You Write, choose the appropriate Windows or Mac Plug-in, and Install the program on your computer.

Note: if you are working on your own computer, you'll only need to install this once. If you are working in a computer lab or classroom on a shared computer, you'll probably need to install the plug-in each time. Many campus computers are "wiped" clean daily of user downloads and uploads.



Current versions of MS Word include an EndNote tab. If you have both EndNote and Word on your computer, just click the EndNote tab in Word and you're ready to extract citations from EndNote and place them into your Word file.

3. Create a "Group" or "Library"

It's a good idea to organize the citations you'll be collecting, especially if you are working on a number of disparate projects.

EndNote Web: Create a Group. Like a folder, a Group allows you to organize your citations by topic or project. Here's how:

Click the Organize tab, then Manage My Groups. Click the New Group button at the bottom of the page, and name your Group. Done!

Note: You can easily share an EndNote Basic Group with others, which makes EndNote Basic a great choice for collaborative writing projects. (To share, in EndNote Basic click the Organize tab, then choose Manage My Groups. Select the group you wish to share, then click Manage Sharing button and enter email(s). You can also restrict sharing to Read only access or Read & Write permissions.)

EndNote: Create a Library or a Group. EndNote provides these two different ways to organize your EndNote citations by topic or project.

To create a Library, from EndNote's top menu bar, choose File, then New. You'll be prompted to name your Library file and to select where to store it (on your computer or flash drive).

To create a Group, from EndNote's top menu bar, choose Groups, and Name it. You'll see your new Group appear in your My Library column located on the left of your EndNote screen.

Note: Once you've created your EndNote Group or Library, it's easy to file away the references (citations) you collect into the appropriate folders. This helps keep your work organized and easy to use.

Both EndNote Basic and EndNote have a default All References folder. If you misplace a citation, you can always find it under All References too. An Unfiled folder collects citations that you have not yet filed into some other group.

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Jeffrey Kushkowski
he, him, his
Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
Business and Economics Librarian
150 Parks Library
515 294-2408