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Sociology Research Guide

An introduction to academic resources in Sociology.

Find Books with Quick Search

Quick Search will find both ebooks and books available for checkout at the ISU Library.

ISU Library Quick Search - Books Only

On the results screen you can use Filters (on the right) to further refine your search. Look for the Format Type filter category and select Books to limit the results to books only. This search box automatically applies a "books and more" filter to your results, so you will need to use the Books filter to limit your results. 

Recently Acquired Titles

The Community in Rural America
The Illustrated Guide to Social Science Research
Trailer Park America: Reimagining Working-Class Communities
Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
Perfect: Feeling Judged on Social Media
 Research Methodology: best practices for rigorous, credible, and impactful research
Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference.
Writing for social scientists

Need a book the ISU Library doesn't have? 

Use InterLibrary Loan (ILL) to order a book from another library. It's free but it does take a couple of days for the book to arrive.

How to Place an ILL Request

  1. Search for the book you want to order in WorldCat.
  2. Click the title of the book you want to order to open the record for that book.

On Campus

  • Click the Illiad link in the green-bordered "Iowa State Univ network" box.
  • Login to Illiad (ISU Library’s ILL system) with your net-ID and password to complete your request.
  • Click Submit Request to complete the process. You'll get an email when the book is ready for pickup.


  1. In a new window, log into Illiad (ISU Library’s ILL system) with your net-ID and password to complete your request.
  2. In the left menu click Book under the New Request menu.
  3. Fill out as much as the form as possible (consult the Worldcat record you opened in step 2).
  4. Click Submit Request to complete the process. You'll get an email when the book is ready for pickup.

The icons used throughout this guide are from icons8. They have their own use/reuse guidelines linked here. 

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Lorrie Pellack
Head, Research & Instruction Services Dept.
150c Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
Phone: 515-294-5569