These books provide general information on patents, including basics of patent law, history of patents, the patent process, search strategies, and so on. Use the other tabs above for specialized books on searching or obtaining a patent.
Click the book's title for more information on where and how to access a book. Access to online books requires a current ISU net ID and password. If you are not affiliated with Iowa State University or are unable to visit our library, use WorldCat to find a library near you that has the book you want to read.
These books provide detailed information on searching for patents.
Click the book's title for more information on where and how to access a book. Access to online books requires a current ISU net ID and password. If you are not affiliated with Iowa State University or are unable to visit our library, use WorldCat to find a library near you that has the book you want to read.
Note: The USPTO is retiring its legacy search tools (PatFT, AppFT, Pub EAST, and Pub WEST) in October 2022. The books on this page will become obsolete at that time. This page will be updated when current books are available.
These books provide detailed information on the patent application process, and best practices for filing.
Click the book's title for more information on where and how to access a book. Access to online books requires a current ISU net ID and password. If you are not affiliated with Iowa State University or are unable to visit our library, use WorldCat to find a library near you that has the book you want to read.
If you have any questions about the patent application process, the USPTO strongly recommends that you consult with a registered patent attorney or agent.
In Iowa, the best place to find additional information and get help is the Davenport Public Library, which houses the only Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) in the state. For more information, see their website or contact the Davenport Public Library Reference Desk at 563-326-7845 or via e-mail.