This Guide accompanies the Everything you need to know about library research workshop for grad students and post-docs. The workshop goals are:
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Library research can feel overwhelming at times for graduate students and post-docs. Did you know you have your own librarian? It's true! Each of our subject librarians is responsible for one or more subject areas and has subject expertise (and super powers) you can benefit from as you're doing your research.
We can help you learn about library collections and research databases in your subject areas plus other relevant services.
Browse the list to find and contact your librarian today!
Off-Campus Access to ISU Library resources requires logging in with your ISU email address and email password. To make your off-campus research process easier, we recommend you start by logging into the ISU network at You'll then be able to move across our many databases seamlessly without having to login repeatedly.
Library Account - Look for this icon and link in the top right corner of the library website:
Login to your Library Account to see what you have checked out or to renew items online. You can also use it to save your search queries, set up alerts, and even personalize which aspects of a topic interest you. You can also save (pin) QuickSearch records to your own favorites list for later use such as exporting to a spreadsheet or pushing to a citation manager.
Got a busy day? Have you ever wished you could have help in getting library books you need pulled from our shelves for you, and you just pick them up from an easy location? Ta-da, we can do that!
Here's how it works: Find the book(s) you want in Quick Search. Click the book title to enter the full record for that book. If you're logged in to Library Account, great! If not, you'll see the yellow bar (below) in the book's record and can login from there.
In Quick Search, you would just click the yellow bar where it says Sign in and a Request link will appear.
Then, click that Request link and follow the easy steps to CHOOSE the Pickup Location that works best for you - Parks Library or the Vet Med Library. Done!
Oh wait, another option: You can even choose to have a book mailed to your home address! (The library also offers a pre-paid mailing label for you to use to mail it back to the library. (Just contact Circulation if you need a pre-paid mailing label.)
Your busy day just got better!
More info
Lorrie Pellack
Make an Appointment
Susan A. Vega García
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