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Global Resource Systems Research Guide

Introduction to library resources and other information sources for students and faculty affiliated with the Global Resource Systems program at Iowa State University.

Finding Articles

The ISU Library subscribes to many different article databases. The complete list is available under the Articles & Databases on the Library's website.

Article Databases - General

Use a general database to locate articles about your research topic.

Key Features:

  • Because it covers many different academic subjects, recommend starting with this database first.
  • Link directly to the full-text of the article using the "Get it@ISU" button.
  • Mix of resources: scholarly and popular

Article Databases - Subject-based

Key Features:

  • There are many several specialized databasesavailable from the Library.
  • Content: scholarly research journals. Sometimes the database will also index books, conference papers, and other types of literature.

What "resource system" are you researching? There are databases that specialize in the following areas: agriculture, environment, biology, business and finance, education, and sociology. In addition to searching in Academic Search Premier, you might find it useful to search in one or more of the following:

News Databases

The following databases cover news sources rather than scholarly journals. If you are looking for introductory information to include in your research paper, consider finding a few newspaper articles to help you set the stage for your topic.

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Anita Kay
150 Parks Library