Once in a while, we have lists that we need to sort in custom ways. The default in a pivot table is alphabetically. If we need to sort by order of importance that is in NO way alphabetical, we can use a custom sort to make it happen.
I am going to use a list we use to provide reports for our reference collection measurements. Here is the list:
RefFloor1, RefTier2, ShortShelf, HIDesk, TestAssess, Encyc, 188/MPS, Atlas, College, Career, Rm161, ANSI
The first two items are the main shelving units in our collection which we want to appear in the first two columns. As we go through the list, items are grouped by where they are in the collection and according to past worksheets.
How do I get these to show up in this order as column labels in my pivot table?
The easiest way to do this is with a custom list.
Your list will appear in the sort order you just made, AND when you make a pivot table, it will appear in that order as well.
The document attached has these instructions with visuals so you can see how this is done.