Resources that are freely accessible to researchers from anywhere in the world. No library affiliation or subscriptions are required to access the full text.
Provides statistics on agriculture, environment, fisheries, public health, and transport (as well as many non-science categories) for countries that belong to the European Union.
This site focuses on applied ethics. Most of the journals are free, full-text but not all. Requires users to register - but no fee to register. Science areas include: bioethics, medical ethics, agricutural and environmental ethics.
Created by the EPA as the Agency's central repository and distribution center for EPA publications. Over 26,000 digital titles are available FREE of charge to search and retrieve, download, print and/or order from the NSCEP.
Includes 400 Series (Air and Radiation, OAR), 500 Series (Solid Waste and Emergency Response, OSWER), 600 Series (Research and Development, ORB), 700 Series (Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, OPPTS) and 800 Series (Water, OW) and more. The National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) database was integrated under (NSCEP) for one stop access to all EPA publications.
This site is attempting to sell paper copies of publications, but they appear to be freely available on the web by clicking on the title of the individual publications.