To find cases that are included in the Harvard Business Review, search Business Source Elite for:
Harvard Business Review as a Source Publication
Case as a Subject
These are business case study journal available through the ISU Library. See the box below for information about searching for cases in Article databases.
Abstracts of case studies and full-text (less likely) are sometimes availalbe through article databases, but you have to know how to search for them.
Do an advanced search for your topic and "case studies" with "subject" selected for both.
Business Source Elite (Ebsco):
Do an advanced search for your topic and "case studies," searching in the "Subject Terms" field.
There are many books at Parks Library that have case studies as a component. The easiest way to search for them is to go to Quick Search and do a search in "Books & More" (pulldown 1) and Subject (pulldown 3) for your topic using the search box at the left.
For example:
Personnel case studies
Diversity case studies
The following case study collections provide free summaries of cases in all areas of business. Users can browse by browse by topic, search by keyword, and view the full text of cases online.
Academic publishers and business schools generally do not sell business cases to libraries. Instead, they sell them to the public. The ISU Library does not have subscriptions or access to the subscribed content of the following sources. If you want to access to the content for purchase you will have to contact the publishers and buy individual cases directly from them.
These are links to fee-based case studies. Costs vary, but delivery is generally via pdf once the fee has been paid.