Research reports about industrial/ manufacturing industries, including chemicals, advanced materials, energy, and cell biology. Reports are comprehensive treatments of specific areas in basic and applied sciences.
The Library's subscription only includes reports produced by BCC Research. It does not include content from BCC Research Partners.
Bizminer delivers online analytical content for US business students. Bizminer’s robust yet easy-to-communicate reports include industry financial benchmark reports, valuation tools and market analytics for over 9000 lines of business.
Please note: there is currently a problem with loading large Bizminer reports from off-campus. Contact the Library with the details of the report you need and we will assist you.
This database contains full text articles from nearly 1,200 business magazines and journals. Includes Marketline company profiles - search "[company] and marketline"
Search the world's leading business & news publications, incl. WSJ & Barron's. Includes 35,000 sources in 60 languages. Some content is unavailable to academic accounts.
PrivCo contains data and business information on non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed and international unlisted companies. To access PrivCo without registering a personal account, click the “Direct Access” button.
Web of Science Core is a database of “core publications” across all disciplines. This database has a cited reference search tool that can be used for searching for a specific item from a citation.