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M E 2020: Professional Planning

This guide introduces students in ME 2020 to finding and using library resources for mechanical engineering research, and how library research skills support their professional goals.

Welcome to the library research guide for M E 2020: Professional Planning!

Welcome to your library guide for M E 2020: Professional Planning. This guide will introduce you to library resources and services that will help you do better and more efficient research to support projects in other mechanical engineering classes you will take later on, and help you create a foundation for doing solid research as an engineer.

The video below explores how what you learned in Lib 1600 can be adapted to engineering research, and introduces what you'll find on this guide: specific tools, collections, and services that will be useful to you as a student in mechanical engineering. (The video was produced by a prior librarian, and back when the course numbers were only 3 digits, but the information is still pertinent just use the contact information in the sidebar to get in touch.)


If you have questions, you can:

  1. Email your librarian (see information in the right column)
  2. Ask Us through chat, email or check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
  3. Stop by the Main Desk on the first floor of Parks Library. Desk hours.