Welcome to the library guide for Materials Science and Engineering. While much research in this area takes place in the lab, the library is host to a wealth of resources on the subject that can help inform and improve your research. This guide exists to familiarize students, staff, and faculty in materials science and engineering with relevant library resources and services.
Please contact me with any suggestions or feedback.
These science and engineering article databases will get you started finding research articles, conference papers, and more related to materials research.
You can use the LibKey Nomad browser extension to enable one-click access to library materials from Wikipedia, PubMed, publisher sites (such as SpringerLink and ScienceDirect), and more.
Find out how to connect your Google Scholar account with the ISU Library's resources for off-campus access:
The library website lists many of our services and general information tailored to students, faculty, and researchers. A few of these are highlighted below.