If you don't already have a journal in mind for your research, start by looking for a journal that meets your needs. The tabbed box below provides a few possible options for locating a journal in your subject area.
Search for topics similar to yours in Google Scholar. You might already be doing this for your literature review, but have you been looking closely at the journals these articles are published in? If you see a handful of journals that publish articles similar to your own work, these might be good to review for your own publications!
Another useful tool for finding journal articles in your subject areas is Browzine. To start, type in a basic keyword related to your subject, like Physics, Philology, or Economics. Then, click on one of the responses with a red folder that appears in your results list:
On the next page, you can browse the journals in that subject area or select another related subject to browse, like Economic Theory or International Economics.
The final place you might consider looking to find journals is your own bibliography!
As you've done research to inform your thesis or dissertation, you've pulled together a list of articles and other resources on topics similar to your own. The journals and publishers who supported those works will likely be a good fit for your research as well.
If you have noticed a particular journal mentioned multiple times in your research, be sure to add it to your list to evaluate in our next step!
If you aren't sure where to start or you're not having much luck searching Google, Browzine, or even your own reference list... ask for help!
Your advisor may have recommendations for journals in your field that you haven't seen yet, as well as tips for things to look out for as you review and assess your options.
As you search, you may find a few Open Access journals, journals that make your articles free for anyone in the world to access. There are many high-quality open access journals you may want to consider, depending on your subject area. Use DOAJ to search for a few options: