This collection of ebooks is focused primarily on computing and technology subjects as well as a small collection of personal and professional development books.
Please note that this resource is not available to members of the public visiting Parks Library.
A variety of handbooks on materials and properties data, with technical handbooks on some related topics included.
Please note that for members of the public visiting Parks Library, this resource is only available from a Parks Library workstation, and not from a mobile device connected to the campus wireless network:
Free access to full text publications in science, technology and public policy from National Academies Press, including content from the National Academy of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine.
Any current ISU student, staff, faculty member or holder of the ISU Library Visitor's Card can request materials from other libraries from Interlibrary Loan, or ILL (say it "eye-ell-ell").
A library meta-catalog; ~90% of all U.S. libraries submit their collection records to WorldCat. FirstSearch is a more nuanced and higher quality search engine than the free version.
Use WorldCat to learn which libraries have an item, by searching across thousands of libraries at once. Access through this link will provide ISU Library interlibrary loan and full text links.