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Grants Resources

What makes a proposal stand out from others

The following three videos are from the Foundation Center and briefly discuss the bad and the good of proposals from the reviewers' points of view.

What are the potential red flags when you are reviewing proposals?

What is the most common mistake you see in a proposal?

Information on Grants

The resources linked below can connect you to websites with information and tips on grants and grant writing.

Before beginning any project with non-government foundations, please check with the ISU Foundation. They can give you lots of help and information about specific foundations in which you might be interested.

Web sites with information on grants and grantwriting:


There are many blogs out there that are no longer up-to-date. However, many of them offer invaluable information on the processes for grant seeking and grant writing. Do a Google search on grant writer blogs or grant writing blogs. The following are blogs which seem to be current.

** Indicates Blog is current.

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