Grow is a platform for plant health management professionals to exchange knowledge and discover the latest applied research. Access this collection of open resources produced to enhance professional knowledge, increase profitability, and improve sustainability of plant production.
CAB Abstracts is one of the largest agricultural databases covering international research literature in a wide range of subjects across the applied life sciences – from agriculture, the environment, and veterinary sciences, to applied economics, leisure/tourism, and nutrition. Especially useful to find information for specific countries on these topics. CAB Abstracts tutorial
This link goes to the repository for graduate student theses and dissertations from the ISU Horticulture department. These are electronic and downloadable as open access.
Look under the subcategories "crops" &"horticulture"
If we do not have the book or e-book that you are looking for, please contact me and let me know. I will quickly make new purchases so that you can get materials that you need.
The image gallery is provided as a complimentary source of high quality digital photographs available from the USDA Agricultural Research Service Information staff.
University of California, Berkeley. Provides access to more than 45,000 images of plants. A variety of organizations and individuals have contributed photographs to CalPhotos.