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Innovation Bookshelf: Start Something @ University Library

Guide to Innovation and Entrepreneurship books in the Iowa State University Library

Social Innovation - Print Titles

A Research Agenda for Social Innovation
Agents of Change
Spontaneous Venturing
Getting Beyond Better
Private Sector Entrepreneurship in Global Health
Social Entrepreneurship
In the Business of Change
The Power of Social Innovation
Shaping Social Enterprise
Social Innovation, Inc
Social Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

Social Innovation - Ebooks

Agents of Change ebook
Creating Social Value Through Social Entrepreneurship
Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Lean Impact
The Power of Social Innovation
Spontaneous Venturing
Social Innovation, Inc
Prisms of the People
The Systems Work of Social Change

Find more books about social innovation by clicking or scanning the link below:


Social Innovation Social Innovation and Social Change
Social Innovation Social Innovation and Social Change
Social Entrepreneurship Social Aspects of Technological Change
Social Entrepreneurship Social Aspects of Technological Innovation