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VCS 7495: Grand Rounds

This guide is designed to assist VM4 students do research and prepare for their Grand Rounds presentations.

Select a Topic

Scientists doing research in a lab

Selecting the right topic for your presentation is one of the most important steps in making a great presentation. After all, if you choose a topic you are excited about then doing research and creating a presentation will be that much easier!

Great options for your topic might include:

  • A research project you worked on
  • A clinical case you witnessed or practiced on
  • A subject from a lecture that you found intriguing
  • An experience at an externship or internship where you learned something new

Confer with your mentor and come up with something that will work for you!

Tips for Starting Research Projects

These texts are just a few in the ISU Library that offer tips on doing scientific research projects. 

AVMA News Bytes

Reading through news headlines can also provide ideas for research topics. For more articles, see the Animal Health SmartBrief.

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