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LGBTQ+ Studies Research Guide

Guide to LGBTQ+ research materials, articles, books & more!

American Library Association Resolution


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LGBTQ+ Studies is a highly interdisciplinary area of research.There are a number of excellent research tools and resources that focus exclusively on LGBTQ+ content. There are also many other subject-focused research tools in the social sciences, humanities, science & technology areas, as well as general news sources, that include relevant information and resources of interest. This Guide will help connect you to relevant materials for this area of research.

In addition, you'll also find lots of great books to read listed here - please see our Reading List and Lambda Literary Awards pages. Enjoy!

Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance using any of the tools listed here or help finding the information you need!

Susan A. Vega García
Associate Professor & Librarian
Subject areas: Ethnic Studies, Cultures & Communities;
 Women's & Gender Studies

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ISU Resources

LGBTQ+ Pride Flag - ISU Resources