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Veterinary Medicine Resources

Introduction to library resources and other information sources for veterinary medicine students and faculty.


EndNote and EndNote Web* are robust bibliographic management software tools designed to help you collect, organize, and use necessary citations for your writing and research projects. Both of these tools can be integrated with Microsoft Word so that while you are writing within Word, you can easily connect to EndNote or EndNote Web and retrieve necessary citations you've collected and stored there.

  • Getting EndNote: ISU faculty and students can purchase EndNote desktop software from the University Bookstore, but the prices are generally comparable to buying directly from the EndNote Website (the student license is discounted from the list price in both cases). Buying EndNote software is not required to be able to use EndNote Web, which is free.
  • Getting EndNote Web: EndNote Web is a free cloud-based version of EndNote, available to the ISU community due to the Library's subscription to Web of Science. Simply visit the EndNote Web website and sign up for a free account using your ISU email address.
  • For more information on the differences between the EndNote software and the various online offerings, see the EndNote product comparison chart.

* Note: EndNote Web has been rebranded as EndNote Basic and EndNote Online depending on your exact circumstance. Technically, ISU users will be using what is currently designated "EndNote online with WoS" in the comparison chart listed above since we also subscribe to the Web of Science article index which is owned by the same parent company. The naming convention is confusing enough that we still use EndNote Web in our discussions here at ISU to refer to any web-based version of EndNote and you'll still occasionally see references to that name elsewhere.

Regardless, the sign-up process is the same. Anyone can sign up for an EndNote Basic account and if you use your Iowa State University email address when you do so and sign in from the campus network, you should be automatically set up for the expanded content. If you have questions about this, feel free to contact me and we'll try to figure it out and get EndNote's support team involved if necessary.

Endnote & Endnote Web Guide

EndNote Support

EndNote Web Support