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Yoga Research & Wellness

Research on yoga from medical, psychological, kinesiological, and leisure perspectives are covered in this guide.

Subscription and Free Streaming Options




Paid/subscription Options

Amazon Prime and Netflix each have streaming yoga videos that are of good quality.

Gaia has yoga vidoes:

another paying option is from glo yoga:


Streaming Videos - documentary

If you are looking for videos that are "about" yoga, follow the link for "Films on Demand". A simple search for just "yoga" yields a little over 200 videos that are about the practice of yoga from many different viewpoints.These videos are not a workout video where you follow along while doing yoga, these are more documentary types of videos. Time lengths of videos range from less than a minute to longer than an hour.

If you are off campus you will need to login with your ISU NetID to view this database. A prompt will appear when you follow the link with instructions.


yoga DVD's in Parks Library

We have a small number of DVD's available in Parks Library Media Center that focus on the practice of yoga. The Media Center is located on the lower level. Go down the main stairwell near the library entrance, and it is on the bottom of the stairs to the left. You will need to bring the call number of the DVD that you want with you, as the DVD collection in Parks Library is not currently available for browsing.

How to search for yoga DVD's:

Library Homepage Search <yoga DVD>

then limit your search using the right side filters by selecting <physical items>:


DVD's in Parks Library are not browsable in person. Therefore, you will need to write down the call number of the DVD you want, and give this to the person working at the desk in the media center circulation desk.