Quick Search helps you find ISU Library books, ebooks, and many other types of materials. Because Quick Search is so huge, here are a few tips:
To find books:
To find ebooks:
Advanced Search's other drop-down menus provide additional search control options, allowing you to specify that your words appear in the title or author or subject areas. You can also narrow or redirect your search results using the Tweak my results links that appear on the right of your search results page.
WorldCat - Use this to find books & more in libraries nearest to you. When you find an item and open its individual record, use the Enter your location box to type in your US zip code or your country. You'll see the name(s) of libraries nearest you that own the item.
Google Books - You can also use Google Books to look for free online books or sale copies of e-books. Non-copyrighted materials are the obvious strength of their collections.
Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) - The ISU Library may have reciprocal borrowing agreements with other libraries near you, through our partnership with GWLA.