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American Indian Studies Research Guide

Selected indexes, websites, e-journals and news sources in American Indian Studies; in-depth resources


Welcome! This Guide will help you with research in American Indian Studies! The Guide identifies some of the major research tools for finding articles, plus research materials, resources, and information in libraries and on the web that are relevant to indigenous studies, including some sources for Canadian and Latin American First Nations and indigenous materials as well.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance using any of the tools listed here or help finding the information you need!

Susan Vega García
Associate Professor & Librarian
Subject areas: Ethnic Studies & Diversity;
Women's & Gender Studies

Finding Articles

Use the indexes listed below to find articles on Indigenous Native American & Latin American Indigenous topics.

Selected Online Journals & News Sources

A few key research journals & newspapers:

To find more, search Quick Search. You can also use Journals A-Z to locate many more American Indian Studies online journals and magazines.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Susan A. Vega García
she | hers
Associate Professor & Librarian
150 Parks Library
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011
she | her | hers


To find race and ethnic studies journals, choose the "Explore journals" button above, and then choose "Social Science and Behavioral Science" to find their Ethnic, Race & Gender Studies listings.