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Technical Reports Research Guide

This guide provides links to a wide variety of databases/websites containing technical reports.

NACA Reports

The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) was created in 1915 and was renamed, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in 1958. It includes a bibliographic database and full text for selected reports published from 1917-1958. NACA was abolished and its functions were transferred to NASA in 1958.

NACA series include:

Aircraft Circulars (AC) - Reprints of articles giving specifications of individual aircraft, often from other countries.

Annual Reports (AR) - Contain NACA’s Annual Report to Congress as well as Technical Reports produced in that year.

Control Reports (CR)

Technical Memorandum (TM) - Reprinted reports from other laboratories, often translations from foreign languages.

Technical Notes (TN) - Report partial results or material of narrower interest. Selected information from these reports was often analyzed and refined for later publication in the more formal Technical Report series.

Reports (TR) - also called NACA Technical Reports (TR). Usually the final report on a project, summarizing earlier interim reports.

Research Memorandum (RM) - Less formal reports issued to meet the need for rapid dissemination of aeronautical information.

Wartime Reports (WR) - Published after World War II to make more widely available wartime research that had been previously issued in restricted series.

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