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AGRON 342: World Food Issues, ARCHIVE

This course is cross listed as 342 with: AGRON, ENV S, FSHN. This course guide is for students from the 342 class: World Food Issues: Past and Present.

Databases useful for your assignment(s)

Internet Searching

Google Advanced Search Interface:

FYI, most advanced searching features will work in most internet search engines. Many of these also work within literature databases!


Using Quotations

When you use quotations, internet search engines search for that phrase, not each word separately.

"microbial ecology" vs microbial ecology


Searching Sites and Domains

the "site" options mean that you can restrict the search to a specific website. Similarly, you can restrict your search to a specified DOMAIN, such as .edu, .gov, .org, or .com

example search using the above two strategies:

"spinach contamination"

compare this search to:

"spinach contamination"